Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Google options and alternatives

Like most people, I knew that it is possible to restrict the domain of the results of a google search. E.g.
site:.fr unpopular president
which would only show results from France.
It turns out that there are plenty of other options (indicated by a keyword such as site followed by a colon (:). The best description I could find was in this Wikipedia article.
Here is a list of the options:
stocks: site: intext: allintitle: intitle: allinurl: inurl: cache: link: related: info: filetype:
The effect of each option should be clear from the name, e.g. allintitle: will only return pages that have all query terms in their title while filetype:pdf will only show pdf documents satisfying the query. See also xkcd about file extensions.


If you're worried about privacy, an excellent alternative to Google is DuckDuckGo which promises, among other things, not to track you. The results I got were similar to Google's. In any case, you can have your search request forwarded to Google by adding !g to your query.

Some DuckDuckGo Options
There's lots of other interesting options, some of which are shown on the picture.

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