Thursday, December 26, 2013

This is England

This 2006 British film is set in the England of the early 1980's. It shows the skinhead subculture through a group of bored youths in a nondescript English town. One of the members is of Caribbean descent and they all seem to get along fine, with the characteristic dress code, pins etc. Apart from their looks, what distinguishes them from the rest of society may be the language where 'f***' and 'f***ing' appear obligatory in every sentence. At least once, but possibly more often.

Problems appear when the group is invited to join some far-right National Front sympathizers, thus illustrating how part of the skinhead movement got contaminated by the extreme right. Some of the original group decide to go with the psychopath that takes them to a pathetic National Front meeting. After that, things become more violent and the film does not have a happy ending.

The sound track is very good.

Overall, the film provides a fascinating glimpse of the skinhead subculture.


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